Martin Wanscher was a plasterer at Monticello from 1801 to 1804. References to Wanscher, from Thomas Jefferson's letters and accounts, are provided below.
1801 August 29. (George Jefferson to Jefferson). "I have paid Mr. Wanscher who will hand you this $:10. on yr. a/c. he takes with him the barrel of plaister of Paris which was left, & a box from Mr. Barnes—I likewise send under his care in one of Henderson’s boats the 50 ℔. of Powder, together with a small box from Philada. ... 2 Casks 50 ℔. Gun Powder ...."[1]
1801 September 4. (Jefferson to George Jefferson). "Your favors of the 29th. & 31st. are recieved, and the articles sent under the care of mr Wanscher are said to be safely arrived at Milton."[2]
1801 September 27. "Paid Wanshaw on account 20.D."[3]
1801 November 28. "Inclosed the 30.D. bank notes to James Dinsmore for Wansher."[4]
1801 December 12. (Dinsmore to Jefferson). "[Y]our favour of Nov. 28th with its inclosures is recieved. Mr Wanschaw has done plaistering & is now engaged in Mixing up Stuff for the dineing room; I am rather afraid I will not have it ready for plaistering by the 1st of March. I will do my endeavour."[5]
1802 January 1. (Dinsmore to Jefferson). "Your favor of 17th Dec. is recived & contents noted. ... Mr Wanschaw is latheing the Cellar under the Squre room, next to the one already plaistered. & intends plaistering it he says the frost will not Injure it."[6]
1802 February 12. (Dinsmore to Jefferson). "Mr Wanschare will be obliged if you will send him ten Dollars."[7]
1802 February 19. "Inclosed a 10.D. bank note to J.H. Craven for Wanshaw."[8]
1802 March 8. ("Details of some of the general heads"). "Warnscher 100."[9]
1802 April 25. "Inclosed to Jas. Dinsmore for Wanscher 10.D."[10]
1802 May 20. "Settled with Wanscher & paid him 33.40. Balance of 100.D. still due."[11]
1802 July 6. "Gave ord. on J. Barnes to pay 16.D. to Alexr. Wilson for Martin Wanscher."[12]
1802 September 7. "Paid Wanscher in account 14.D."[13]
1802 September 29. "Pd. Wanscher on account 10.D."[14]
1802 November 1. "Gave Martin Wanscher ord. on do. for 30.D. on acct."[15]
1802 November 2. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "Pay to Martin Wanscher or order thirty dollars for value recieved on account."[16]
1802 November 15. "Paid Martin Wanscher 3.75 and took in settlemt. of Sep. 1802."[17]
1802 December 4. "Inclosed to Martin Wanscher on acct. 30.D."[18]
1802 December 10. (Martin Wanscher to Jefferson). "Mester Toms Jefferson / if you please to Let me have 30 thirty Dallors ...."[19]
1802 December 15. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "Th: Jefferson will thank mr Barnes for thirty dollars for mr Wanscher and thirty three and one third to be sent to Monticello."[20]
1802 December 15. "Inclosed Wanscher on account 30.D."[21]
1803 January 11. "Inclosed 30.D. to Martin Wanscher."[22]
1803 May 4. ("Details of some of the general heads"). "Wanscher. plaisterg. 247.15."[23]
1803 June 19. "Gave ord. on J. Barnes in favor of Martin Wanscher for 10.D."[24]
1803 June 19. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "Pay to the bearer for Martin Wanscher ten dollars for value recieved on account ...."[25]
1804 March 17. "Gave Jos. Daugherty for Martin Wanscher ord. on J. B. for 18.08 for lime & Plaister Paris."[26]
1804 April 10. "Inclosed to Martin Wanscher an ord. on J. Barnes for 15.D. to bear expences on road."[27]
1804 April 10. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "Pay to Martin Wanscher or order fifteen dollars for value recieved on account."[16]
1804 May 24. (Jefferson to Dinsmore). "I desired mr Stewart to make Joe draw off the water from the icehouse twice a week. I at the same time supposed that mr Wanscher taking his water from thence might keep it always down. I will thank you to remind mr Stewart if necessary."[29]
1804 May 24. "Inclosed to Lewis Deblois 10.D. for Mrs. Wanscher & 20.D. for Alexr. Perry by order of Martin Wanscher."[30]
1804 June 13. (Jefferson to Dinsmore). "I presume mr Wanscher keeps it clear of water. if he does not, Joe should clear it twice a week."[31]
1804 June 26. "Inclosed to Mr. Deblois for M. Wanscher 10. for syrop of punch 22.08 = 32.08."[32]
1804 August 2. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "Pay to Martin Wanscher or order fourteen dollars fifty cents for value recieved on account."[33]
1804 August 2. "Pd. Wanscher 15.D. and gave him order on J. Barnes for 14.50 after which there remains due to him on settlement 35."[34]
1804 October 6. "Inclosed to Martin Wanscher 15.D. which is in full of all accounts between us to this day."[35]
1807 June 14. (Jefferson to George Divers). "I was mistaken in telling you that Wanscher was dead. the misinformation arose from the death of his wife. he called on me the other day, and I told him I thought you would be glad to employ him. in consequence of this he has written the inclosed letter which tho' directed to me was intended for you as you will percieve."[36]
1812 September 18. (Jefferson to Martin Wanscher). "I am not able to read the inclosed letter, but presume it served merely to cover the one directed to you, from some of your friends, I forward both to you ...."[37]
1818 June 28. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "I know not from whom or what quarter the inclosed letter to Wanscher comes, nor whether he is still living. I suppose it is from Germany, and invoke your charity to dispose of it according to circumstances. I do it with the more pleasure as it gives me new occasion to repeat to you the assurances of my constant friendship and respect."[38]
1818 July 21. (Jefferson to John Barnes). "Believing you knew Martin Wanscher, to whom the inclosed letter is addressed, my letter to you was so short as to be unintelligible. he was a plaisterer living in Alexandria, and was the one I employed to come on and plaister my house, which he did about 10. years ago, and returned to Alexandria. he was a German, and I suppose from his acquaintance with me, instructed his friends in Germ[a]ny to inclose their letters to me. this one came inclosed to me, and having some idea that I had heard he was dead, but not certain of it, I took the liberty of requesting you to send it to him if living, or to his family if dead, for he had a family. ... if he is neither living nor left any representative, if you will be so good as to return it to me, I will give it a place among my papers, in case any body should appear to call for it."[39]
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Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 984-9800