Transcription of Excerpt

Date of Commission State Remarks
Samuel Fowle Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1799 Massachusetts
James House Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1799 Pennsylvania
Ebenezer Beche Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1799 Connecticut

Transcription of Key

Explanation of the notes set opposite (in the column of remarks) to to the names of several officers composing the Army of the United States.           

Denotes such officers as are of the 1st class, so esteemed from a superiority of genius & Military proficiency.
[Denotes such officers]  second class, respectable as officers, but not altogether entitled to the 1st grade.
[Denotes such officers]  Republican.
[Denotes] Officers whose political opinions are not positively ascertained.
[Denotes Officers]  Political apathy.
[Denotes Officers] opposed to the administration, otherwise respectable officers.
[Denotes Officers] opposed to the administration more decisively.
[Denotes Officers] opposed most violently to the administration and still active in its vilification.
[Denotes Officers] professionally the soldier without any political creed.
[Denotes Officers] unworthy of the commissions they bear.
[Denotes Officers] unknown to us.