Jefferson and Religion - What you need to know

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Look Deeper: Jefferson and Religion

Jefferson, Religion, and Politics

Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Virginia enacted "A Bill For establishing religious freedom" in 1786, ensuring "that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever," The Statute would go on to play a critical role in the development of American religious freedom and lay the groundwork for the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Look Deeper at Virginia's Statue of Religious Freedom

Passing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Monticello's John Ragosta discusses the development, passage, and shortcomings of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, an achievement Jefferson defined as one of his most important.

Jefferson's Personal Religious Ideas

Jefferson's Beliefs and Quotations Personally, Jefferson was deeply committed to core ethical teachings of Jesus, but he rejected Jesus’s divinity, resurrection, atonement, and original sin. He attended and contributed to a number of different churches and at various times described his beliefs as “Christianism” or “Unitarian.”
The Jefferson Bible Jefferson twice clipped verses from the New Testament of the Bible to create his own version of the four Gospels, leaving out what he deemed unsupportable, including the miracles, the resurrection, and the letters of the evangelists.

Look Deeper: Jefferson's Views

David Holmes, retired Professor of Religion at The College of William and Mary, lists out key points of Jefferson's religious beliefs. See more of this talk »


The Shop at Monticello