The Monticello Young Gardener Seed Collection is available in our online shop
Monticello's West Lawn suggests a number of possible activities for children and adults alike, ranging from playing with hoops to taking nature walks. We hope that you will be inspired to take special note of gardens around you, or perhaps to grow your own. Monticello supports the development of historic gardens through its Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants, which makes available seeds and plants associated with Jefferson's time.
Younger Gardeners
Younger gardeners might enjoy the children's garden kit, which features ten varieties of seeds and instructions for growing a Jefferson-related flower and vegetable garden. The flower seeds include such eighteenth-century favorites as "love-in-the-mist" and "Johnny-jump-up" violets while many of the vegetables are ornamental or interesting, like scarlet runner beans and artichokes. Developed for use in schools and homes, the packets are produced by Monticello's Department of Education and Center for Historic Plants. They are available through Monticello Shop Online or by calling (434) 984-9821.
Older Gardeners

Twinleaf, Jeffersonia diphylla, named in honor of Thomas Jefferson by Benjamin Smith Barton in 1792
Older gardeners might enjoy visiting the gardens in person or learning more about Monticello-grown species through the What's In Bloom section of this site. Articles about Jefferson's interest in gardening are available at the online Twinleaf Journal (no longer publishing new articles), which is run by Monticello's Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants. Established at Monticello in 1987, the Center collects, preserves, and distributes historic plant varieties and strives to promote greater appreciation for the origins of garden plants. The program centers on Jefferson's horticultural interests, but includes varieties documented up to the early twentieth century and choice North American plants.
The Center features interpretive gardens at its Tufton Farm headquarters near Monticello, and a Garden Shop (located at Monticello's David M. Rubenstein Visitor Center) where visitors may purchase historic varieties of plants and seeds. The Center also holds four open houses and plant sales each year. For information about visiting the Center, please call (434) 984-9817.