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2024 Roger L. Gregory
2023 Menaka Guruswamy and Arundhati Katju
2022 Stephen Breyer
2020 Sonia Sotomayor 
2019 Carlton W. Reeves
2018 Frank H. Easterbrook
2017 Loretta Lynch
2016 John Gleeson
2015 Joan E. Donoghue
2014 Kenneth R. Feinberg
2013 Robert S. Mueller III
2012 George Mitchell
2011 Cynthia D. Kinser
2010 Janet Napolitano
2009 Peter J. Neufeld and Barry C. Scheck
2008 Antonin Scalia
2007 Anne-Marie Slaughter
2006 Ronald M. Dworkin
2005 Patricia M. Wald
2004 J. Harvie Wilkinson III
2003 Anthony M. Kennedy
2002 Seth P. Waxman
2001 Mortimer M. Caplin
2000 Guido Calabresi
1999 Elaine R. Jones
1998 Alan K. Simpson
1997 Ruth Bader Ginsburg
1996 Rex Lee (posthumously)
1995 Lloyd N. Cutler
1994 Richard A. Posner
1993 William H. Rehnquist
1992 Marian Wright Edelman
1991 Robert M. Morgenthau
1990 Collins J. Seitz
1989 Sam Nunn
1988 Edmund S. Muskie
1987 Sandra Day O'Connor
1986 William H. Webster
1985 Warren E. Burger
1984 Griffin B. Bell
1983 Lord Justice Scarman
1982 Warren M. Christopher
1981 Lewis Franklin Powell Jr.
1980 Erwin N. Griswold
1979 Paul Abraham Freund
1978 Henry J. Friendly
1977 Carl McGowan