Archaeological investigation confirmed the existence of two Jefferson-era structures, a wash house dating to ca. 1790 and a stone slave dwelling erected ca. 1809. A headstone along with a plaque dedicated in 1984 marks the burial location of Rachel Phillips Levy. A wash house that was previously at this location was demolished, a 17.5 x 20.5-foot dwelling of mortared local stone was erected in its place. Likely a dwelling for enslaved house servants, this structure was probably built by the hired stonemason William Maddox in the winter of 1808–09. Elisha Watkins, a hired carpenter with three enslaved assistants, installed the shingled roof, which was “hipped every way.”
In 1839, Monticello's later owner Uriah Phillips Levy partially dismantled the walls of the stone house to enclose the grave of his mother, Rachel Phillips Levy, who died at Monticello in 1839.

Digital model of the 1809 Stone House. Image by RenderSphere, LLC

Digital model of the back of the 1809 Stone House. Image by Rendersphere, LLC

1984 excavations within the walls of the 1809 Stone House showing Rachel Levy's headstone and grave marker

Exterior of the foundation of the 1809 Stone House in 1957