In support of the Foundation goals to build collections and catalog materials, the Jefferson Library welcomes gifts and donations of all types of materials relevant to the life, times, and legacy of Thomas Jefferson.
Prior to conveying any item as a gift, please contact:
Anna Berkes
Research Librarian
434 984 7544
P.O. Box 316, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Unless a donor wishes to remain anonymous, "Gift from:" notes are added to each donated item's record in the Thomas Jefferson Portal online catalog. Also, bookplates noting donor's name are added to every volume given or every volume purchased with donated funds.
All donations are greatly appreciated and are acknowledged in writing; individual items are listed in the acknowledgement. In cases where a gift may exceed a value of $250 in the donor's estimation, the Foundation will provide a Deed of Gift. In cases where a gift is of high market value, a donor will need to consult the Internal Revenue Services' Publication 561: Determining the Value of Donated Property. The Foundation is legally prohibited from performing appraisals but may provide assistance in finding qualified appraisers.
The Library may decline an offer if items duplicate existing holdings (although extra copies are welcomed of many key titles), if the subject matter is outside the collection scope, or if there are donor restrictions that cannot be honored.
The following websites may be of interest to collectors and potential donors:
- American Society of Appraisers
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America
- Books and Book Collection
- WorldBookDealers
The Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. is the private non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that owns and operates Monticello. A financial statement is on file with the Division of Consumer Affairs in the State of Virginia.