Youen Carden was a miller who worked at Monticello from 1808 to 1824.
1809 November 29. "On settlement with Huein Carden there was due to him on the 15th day of this month 40. Dollars for his year’s service as per agreement, to which I now add ten Dollars as a gratuity, making it up fifty dollars for that year, now due to him. I further agree that his wages for the second year shall be fifty dollars which I do voluntarily in consideration of the satisfaction he has given me by his services as miller at my toll mill at Shadwell."[1]
1809 December 2. "Paid Youen Cardin, the millar 25.D. on account."[2]
1810 October 10. "Sent by do. [Edmund Bacon] to Cardin 20.D."[3]
1811 November 11. "Paid Yewen Carden on account 50.D. Balce. still due 57.50."[4]
1813 June 3. "Paid Youen Carden 63.D. in full of the balance of 57.50 due him ante 1811. Nov. 11. with interest to this day."[5]
1813 August 20. (Jefferson to Yewen Carden). "I did not know till yesterday that mr Randolph intended to give up the lease of my toll-mill. I shall now be glad to employ you there upon our former terms. I shall be glad to know by the return of the bearer whether you will engage to come. if you say so, this letter binds it on my part. I am to set out for Bedford in a day or two & shall be absent about three weeks, and on my return I will send to you, as I expect you will be wanting about that time."[6]
1814 December 26. "... I desired to let Carden have a bushel of salt out of it, which I am to charge to Carden."[7]
1815 July 3. "Pd. Ewen Carden 10.D. on acct."[8]
1816 May 7. "Paid Youen Carden on account 20.D."[9]
1816 December 23. "Pd. Ewen Cardin on account 30.D."[10]
1818 January 26. "Pd. Ewen Carden on account 50.D."[11]
1818 November 16. "Pd. Carden 3.D. for 12. Guinea fowls, hereafter to be 1/3 apiece."[12]
1820. (Edmund Bacon to Jefferson). "I send you a list of my own family. Mr Meek’s & Cardens with the age Opposite each name .... Youen Carden 61 years old/his wife 58 do/William Carden 27 do/Sally Carden 23 do/Elizabeth Carden 21/Mary Carden 13/1 Female slave 12."[13]
1820 July 27. "Paid Carden 5.D. the price of 25. guinea fowls. He has delivered but 19. and owes 6. more."[14]
1820 October 7. "Accepted Youen Carden’s order in favr. John Watson for 59.38 with int. from Mar. 30. 20."[15]
1820 October 23. "Drew on B. Peyton in favr. Martin Dawson for ... Y. Carden's ord. on me in favor Jno. Ormond 8."[16]
1820 October 27. "Drew on B. Peyton in favr. John Watson ... on Youen Carden's ord. for 59.38 + int. 2.D. = 61.38."[17]
1821 July 27. "Pd. Youen Carden 20.D."[18]
1821 November 2. "Pd. Mrs. Carden for cooking for workmen 8.D."[19]
1822 September 4. "Drew on do. [Bernard Peyton] in favr. Martin Dawson for 49.54 ... including an assumpsit of 21.79 for Ewen Carden which charge to him accordingly."[20]
1822 November 9. "Pd. Youen Carden 5.D. and gave him an order to Raphael to pay 20.D. for him to Dr. John Ragland."[21]
1823 c. March 21. "March statement of debts ... Carden Youen abt. 160."[22]
1824 February 13. "This pays his acct. ... do. Youen Carden's order now presented 16."[23]
1824 March 18. "Gave Youen Carden the following notes, to wit to Chas. Vest to be responsible for 30.D. with int. from last Oct. .69. to Mrs. Proctor for meat to be furnished him. to the bearer of my note for any corn he may purchase. Paid him cash 5.D. He gave up the mill on the 13th. inst."[24]
1824 June 14. "Gave ord. on Jas. Leitch for 20.62 1/2 in favr. Hanah Proctor on acct. Y. Carden, & on my note ante Mar. 18. Note Carden takes at my mill the corn for my note ante Mar. 18. Gave Youen Carden ord. on Jas. Leitch for 10.D."[25]
1824 September 9. "Settled with Youen Carden all accounts to this day and paying him now 50.D. there remains a balance still due to him of 81.60 of which I gave him a written acknolegement."[26]
1824 September 9. (Jefferson to Youen Carden). "On a settlement of all accounts between the subscribers Thomas Jefferson and Youen Carden down to this day inclusive it is agreed that there is a balance due from the sd Thomas to the sd Youen of eighty one dollars sixty cents."[27]
1825 March 7. "Pd. Ewen Carden 10.D."[28]
1825 April 7. (Jefferson to Youen Carden). "According to promise I inclose you 20. Dollars. if you will be so good as to make your mark at the foot of this letter it will be a proof to me that the servant the bearer has faithfully delivered it, sending the letter back to me with your mark."[29]
1825 April 8. "Inclosed to Youen Cardin 20.D. on acct."[30]
1825 December 28. "Drew on Jacobs & Raphael in favr. Youen Carden for 59.22 which pays my note on Sep. 9. 24. for 81.60 in full of that and all other accts. with interest. See 1825. Mar. 7 & Apr. 8."[31]
1050 Monticello Loop
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 984-9800