Thomas Jefferson loved watches, owning at least 8 of them. During his retirement years, he was surrounded by his twelve grandchildren and took great joy in pleasing them. He traditionally gave each grandchild a watch, and directed in his will that this practice should continue after his death. Although he owned and gave gold watches as presents, during most of his lifetime Jefferson customarily wore a silver pocket watch.
1783 January 14. "Pd. Clarke for mendg. watch 3/9."[1]
1783 March 1. "Pd. ... mendg. watch 3/9."[2]
1783 April 10. "Pd. ... Wood mendg. watch 18/."[3]
1783 November 21. "Pd. for watchchain 7/6."[4]
1786 March 14. "Pd. for a watchchain 14/."[5]
1786 April 11. "Pd. ... needle for watch 42/."[6]
1786 June 1. "Pd. Meyer balance for watch, & key 507₶–9."[7]
1789 January 1. "Pd. Chanterot for a watch 240₶."[8]
1789 March 6. "Pd. Meyer for works of an alarm watch 168₶."[9]
1789 April 12. "Pd. Charpentier for 6. spiral springs 9₶."[10]
1789 May 11. "Pd. ... Chanterot. watch work in ful 393[₶]."[11]
1789 May 13. "Pd. ... for watch chains 11f4."[11]
1789 September 7. "Pd. for a watch chain 9₶."[13]
1791 April 25. "Leslie mendg. watch key &c. 1.D."[14]
1791 July 22. "Voigt mending watch .5."[15]
1791 November 22. "Pd. Voight mendg. watch 3.D."[16]
1793 August 10. "Pd. Voight for mending & cleaning watch 4.67."[17]
1793 December 30. "Pd. Voight mendg. watches 1.D."[18]
1794 June 3. "... watchmaker 8/."[19]
1797 March 12. "... Chaudron cleaning watch 2.D."[20]
1798 February 10. "... for mending watch 1."[21]
1798 March 5. "Pd. Voight for mending watch 3.D."[22]
1800 March 19. "Pd. Voight mending watch 1.5."[23]
1806 July 11. (Jefferson to Henry Voight). "A friend of mine has requested of me to procure for him a plain, but good silver watch, with a second hand, and the works capped to protect them from dust."[24]
1808 January 6. "Drew ord. on bk. US. for … Henry Voight for 85.D. for a watch."[25]
1808 April 11. "Pd. Joseph Daugherty for Rigden for mending watch 7.D."[26]
1808 May 18. "Pd. Pitman for mending watch .50."[27]
1809 February 20. "Pd. ... Kent cleaning watch 1.50."[28]
1811 June 3. "Repaid Mr. Patterson 5.D. which he pd. Rigden mending watches."[29]
1813 May 20. (Jefferson to Thomas Voight). "[C]ould a gold watch, good and moderately ornamented for a lady, be now got in Philadelphia, for a moderate price, say from 80. to 100.D.?"[30]
1813 July 1. (Thomas Voight to Jefferson). "... In Concequence of the War, watches have taken a Verry Considerable Rise; and I find that I Can get no Good ones of that disscription, such as I Could Recommend, for less than a $100—or a 110 Dollars."[31]
1813 July 30. (Jefferson to Thomas Voight). "... I will now ask the favor of you to procure for me such a gold watch as I described in my letter of May 20. that is to say, excellent in it's quality, but only moderately ornamented, just enough to make it fit for a lady. on a similar occasion of such a watch from your father in 1808. mr Short procured for me a chain of Paris gold (in several strands of very minute links), price 18.D. and a chrystal seal, not set, but in a solid peice, of the form in the margin price 2.D. I should be glad to receive such now with the watch."[32]
1817 October 26. (Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes). "I have procured from Leschot for mrs Eppes a very elegant watc[h] and of the very best construction being of the kind called à cylindre horizontal; the only inconvenience of which is that they require being touched with oil a little oftener than the others. he had no watch of the common construction which was proper for a lady. he required 40.D. boot, allowing only 30.D. for the gold of the old watch, the works being entirely past use. … I know that the Richmond watchmakers are as absolute murderers of a watch as your neighbor watchmaker."[33]
1819 April 8. "Drew on Jas. Leitch in favor of Louis Leschot for 165.64 for watches."[34]
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