Simon Chaudron was a goldsmith and watchmaker in Philadelphia with whom Thomas Jefferson did business.
1797 March 8. "Pd. Chaudron for J. Randolph's watch 1.25."[1]
1797 March 12. "Chaudron cleaning watch 2.D."[2]
1800 December 18. (Jefferson to Chaudron). "I am informed by a gentleman who called on you in Philadelphia that the watch is arrived, which you were so kind as to undertake to import for me. the question is how to procure a safe conveyance of it to this place, which can only be in a gentleman’s pocket ...."[3]
1801 February 8. (Jefferson to Chaudron). "he has safely recieved the watch by mr Richards, and in good order. he waits his return to Philadelphia, which will be some days hence, to remit him the price .... he supposes the second hand has been omitted because the wheel on which it would have been put would have shewn irregularly on the plate."[4]
1808 January 6. "Drew in favr. Henry Voight for 85.D. for a watch."[5]
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Charlottesville, VA 22902
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