This index refers to page numbers in the published volumes. Documents subsequently added to the digital editions are marked with a +. Copies of the published volumes are available at a library near you, or may be purchased through this website or from Princeton University Press. The volumes are also available via two online platforms, the Rotunda version through the University of Virginia Press (subscription required) and the Founders Online version (free).


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  • and cosmology, 13:267n

Kaim. See Kames (Kaim), Henry Home, Lord

Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. The New Testament, in Greek and English (A. Kneeland), 18:212, 18:241–18:242, 20:53, 20:64, 20:100, 20:101

Kalb, Johann, baron de, 2:13, 15:190


  • pots for, 17:47, 17:83, 17:110, 17:113, 18:196 (illus.), 18:382, 18:411, 19:38
  • sea, 3:439, 3:440n, 4:497, 4:498n, 4:498n, 13:325, 14:385n, 15:137, 15:152, 15:398, 15:567, 16:626, 17:34, 17:48, 17:49, 18:li, 18:196 (illus.), 19:554
  • seed, 5:384, 6:44, 6:86, 17:71, 20:573
  • sprout, 4:498, 4:498n, 4:523, 4:561, 4:562, 5:490, 5:658, 6:7, 6:44, 6:86, 8:272, 9:532, 11:151, 11:174–11:175, 13:111, 20:573
  • sweet, 20:573

Kalkman, Charles F.

  • owner of Von (Van) Hollen, 10:407, 10:440

Kalorama (Barlow’s estate in Washington), 2:146

Kamchatka, 1:447, 12:281

Kames (Kaim), Henry Home, Lord

  • Elements of Criticism, 1:576, 7:629, 16:381, 16:458, 19:507
  • Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion, 1:576, 7:415, 7:416n, 7:627
  • The Gentleman Farmer, 1:581, 2:82, 7:626, 10:195, 10:196n, 11:164
  • Historical Law-Tracts, 3:546
  • Principles of Equity, 7:628
  • quoted, 7:467, 7:468n
  • Sketches of the History of Man, 19:506

Kampman, Christian Frederick, 16:84n

Kanawha (now W.Va.)

  • salt wells at, 5:77, 5:77n

Kanawha River, 14:15n, 14:402, 14:403, 14:404n, 14:412, 14:413, 16:625, 16:625–16:626n

Kant, Immanuel

  • Logic, 17:536
  • Prolegomena, 17:536
  • works on, 17:536

Kappa Lambda Society of Hippocrates (Lexington, Ky.), 19:386, 19:387n

Karay. See Coray, Adamantios

Kaskaskia Indians, 6:324

Die Katholischen Briefe: Neu übersesst und erklärt und mit Excursen und einleitenden Abhandlungen (J. C. W. Augusti), 11:307

katydids, 12:619

Kay, Mungo

  • Canadian newspaper editor, 8:226n

Kean, Andrew

  • identified, 13:389–13:390n
  • letters from, 13:461, 14:300
  • letter to, 13:388–13:390
  • and H. Marks’s estate, 11:567
  • as physician, 13:388–13:389, 16:338
  • proposes to visit Monticello, 13:461, 13:461, 14:300
  • recommends W. T. Minor, 8:199n
  • relocates to Charlottesville, 13:461, 14:300

Kean, Julian

  • family of, 13:461

Kean, Martha Winston Callis (Andrew Kean’s wife)

  • family of, 13:461

Kean, William

  • letter from, 13:154–13:155
  • letter to, 13:178–13:179
  • and steam navigation, 13:154–13:155, 13:178–13:179

Keane, John

  • British general, 8:264, 8:301n

Kearny, Francis See also Tanner, Vallance, Kearny, & Company (Philadelphia firm)

  • engraver, 7:564
  • identified, 11:583n

Kearny, John, 12:386n

Keating (Keatinge), Maurice Bagenal St. Leger

  • proposed donation to Library of Congress, 14:63–14:64
  • as translator, 14:63
  • writings of, 14:63–14:64

Keating, William Hypolitus

  • Account of the Jeffersonite, a New Mineral Discovered at the Franklin Iron Works, near Sparta, N. J. by Lardner Vanuxem and Wm. H. Keating, 18:511, 18:558
  • identified, 18:512n
  • letter from, 18:511–18:512
  • letter to, 18:558
  • names mineral after TJ, 18:l–18:li, 18:511–18:512, 18:558

Keble, Joseph

  • Reports in the Court of Kings Bench at Westminster, 7:147, 7:150n

Keech, Alexander

  • identified, 18:155n
  • letter from, 18:153–18:155
  • letter to, 18:190
  • on northern colleges, 18:154
  • seeks information on University of Virginia, 18:153, 18:190

Keene, Richard Raynal, 2:681, 2:682n

Keeran, Eli

  • and University of Virginia, 20:200, 20:201, 20:201, 20:203, 20:203, 20:204, 20:219, 20:221, 20:221, 20:221, 20:222, 20:222, 20:223, 20:223, 20:225, 20:225, 20:226, 20:228

Keill, John

  • An Introduction to the True Astronomy, 19:67, 19:68n

Keith, James

  • as Frederick Co. clerk, 6:115+

Keith, Reuel

  • as professor at Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia, 20:109

Keith, Thomas

  • A New Treatise on the Use of the Globes, 16:5

Keith, William

  • The History of the British Plantations in America … Part 1. Containing the History of Virginia, 5:509

Keller, Jonas

  • identified, 12:259n
  • letters from, 12:257–12:259, 12:365–12:367
  • letters to, 12:338–12:339, 12:396–12:397
  • and C. Stewart’s apprenticeship, 12:257–12:258, 12:260, 12:274, 12:338–12:339, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365–12:366, 12:396
  • weaving enterprise of, 12:338, 12:339, 12:354, 12:365, 12:396–12:397

Kelly, John

  • and Albemarle Academy, 7:266, 7:267, 7:282, 7:293, 7:335, 7:339, 7:339, 7:570
  • and Albemarle Volunteer Company subscription, 5:344
  • and corn-shelling machines, 14:118, 19:678–19:679
  • creditor of C. L. Bankhead, 8:394
  • identified, 2:452n
  • introduces E. Alcocke, 2:452
  • introduces E. Fletcher, 3:610
  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • letters from, 2:452
  • letters from accounted for, 2:452n
  • as merchant, 14:472, 14:472, 15:91
  • offers to buy land, 8:277
  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380
  • petition to James Monroe
  • and Presbyterian church for Charlottesville, 20:526, 20:527n
  • and Rivanna Company, 11:64, 11:76, 11:81, 11:91, 11:99, 11:259–11:260, 11:260n, 11:552, 12:604, 14:356, 15:268
  • and University of Virginia, 16:481, 19:53, 19:189
  • and valuation of J. Monroe’s Highland estate, 19:394, 19:394, 19:394n
  • vouches for O. Norris, 3:465
  • witnesses warrants, 5:280

Kelly, Williamson

  • petition to General Assembly, 5:378–5:380

Kelly & Norris (Charlottesville firm)

  • and University of Virginia, 15:91, 17:631, 19:49, 19:186, 19:187, 19:189, 19:189, 20:207, 20:223, 20:230, 20:234, 20:556

Kemper, Samuel, 6:189, 6:190n

Kendall, Edward Augustus, 18:355

Kendall, Woffendall

  • Revolutionary War officer, 18:138

Kendell, Charles

  • letter from, 20:337
  • seeks TJ’s assistance, 20:337

Kennedy, James

  • fellow at Trinity College (Dublin), 20:633

Kennett, Basil

  • Romae Antiquae Notitia: or, The Antiquities of Rome, 1:580, 14:258, 19:508

Kennett, White

  • Bibliothecæ Americanæ Primordia, 5:513, 5:513n
  • A Complete History of England, 1:580, 2:51

Kenney, Mr. See Kinney, Mr.

Kenney, James

  • and University of Virginia, 19:58

Kenney, Robert, 14:308

Kennon, Elizabeth Beverley Munford

  • and W. H. Kennon’s military appointment, 10:439, 10:447
  • letter from accounted for, 10:439n

Kennon, Richard

  • and government of Louisiana Territory, 10:439, 10:440n

Kennon, William Henry

  • identified, 10:440n
  • seeks military appointment, 10:439, 10:447

Kenrick, Timothy

  • writings of, 10:241

Kent (servant)

  • in Warren, 17:153

Kent, James

  • and American Academy of Language and Belles Lettres, 15:422, 16:531
  • and Phi Beta Kappa, 16:585

Kent, Thomas, 20:594

Kentucky See also Howard, Benjamin

  • J. Adams on, 12:404–12:405
  • agricultural prices in, 19:485
  • antiquities from, 16:153–16:156, 16:171–16:176, 16:177–16:181
  • and Bank of U.S., 4:113, 4:113n, 4:128–4:130, 4:130n, 12:179
  • banks in, 13:610, 18:550, 18:576n
  • and batture controversy, 3:204
  • boundaries of, 15:623n
  • Bourbon County Circuit Court, 18:550
  • British prisoners of war incarcerated in, 8:219
  • congressional delegation from, 20:37–20:38
  • and contractual obligations, 16:59
  • currency in, 19:221, 19:485
  • descriptions of, 17:25–17:26, 20:524
  • education in, 1:456, 14:638, 17:172, 18:244n, 18:476, 18:478–18:479, 18:480n, 19:258, 19:259n, 19:293, 19:355, 19:697, 19:700n
  • elections in, 5:581, 19:122–19:123
  • endorsement and replevin laws in, 18:550, 18:576n
  • epidemic in , 19:93
  • French émigrés settle in, 10:107, 10:276
  • goods carried to, 4:27
  • growth of, 4:113
  • hemp grown in, 2:359
  • history of, 8:200
  • and judicial review, 18:550–18:551
  • judiciary, 1:405, 18:531
  • land disputes in, 17:27–17:28, 17:29n
  • land prices in, 11:151, 19:485, 20:524
  • land speculation in, 1:129, 1:131n, 1:256+
  • legislature of, 16:59, 17:25–17:26, 18:34, 18:227n, 18:244n, 18:478, 18:550–18:551, 18:552n, 19:258, 19:259n, 19:293, 19:294n, 19:355, 20:164, 20:512
  • Lewis family in, 1:168n
  • literature from, 11:364, 12:9, 16:355–16:356, 16:396
  • mammoth bones found in, 2:507, 5:572, 5:573n, 8:448, 8:449n, 12:150
  • millet grown in, 19:635
  • mills in, 16:175
  • J. Monroe’s trip to, 2:35
  • newspapers, 4:277n, 4:285, 4:285n, 8:486, 8:487n, 11:157n, 16:355, 19:122–19:123, 19:123–19:124n
  • prospects in, 2:344, 2:359
  • and repayment of debts, 16:59, 16:59n
  • Resolutions, 17:592, 17:592–17:593n, 18:34, 18:35n
  • rice cultivation in, 5:560
  • sheep raised in, 6:370
  • shepherd dogs for, 6:369–6:370
  • slaves in, 3:92, 3:242–3:243
  • TJ on, 2:359, 8:516, 13:48, 19:75
  • troops from, 5:319–5:320, 5:336, 6:577, 6:577n
  • and Va. land grants, 16:41, 18:208, 18:208n, 18:221, 18:261–18:262, 18:265n, 19:576
  • war sentiment in, 5:478, 7:201–7:202, 7:462, 7:464–7:465, 7:522, 8:516
  • weather in, 6:605, 19:386–19:387, 19:485

Kentucky (steamboat), 13:254

Kentucky Gazette (Lexington, Ky., newspaper)

  • publishes C. Rafinesque’s essays, 18:205, 18:207n

Kentucky Institute (Lexington), 20:512, 20:513n

Kentucky Palladium (Frankfort newspaper)

  • publisher of, 8:486, 8:487n

Kentucky Society for Promoting Agriculture

  • constitution of, 10:593n
  • and T. Feeling, 12:254
  • TJ elected honorary member of, 10:593, 11:4

Kenyon, Lloyd, first Baron Kenyon

  • on court opinions, 19:98

Ker, David C.

  • letters from accounted for, 1:48n
  • letters to accounted for, 1:48n
  • president of Fredericksburg bank, 1:47, 1:48n, 3:112n

Kerby, James

  • and University of Virginia, 19:57

Kerby, Nowel

  • petition to General Assembly, 4:346–4:349

Kercheval, Samuel

  • and fireproof cement, 18:359
  • identified, 1:567n
  • Letters addressed to the people of Virginia, 10:162–10:163, 10:323, 10:367, 10:434
  • letters from, 1:566–1:567, 10:162–10:163, 10:322–10:323, 18:359
  • letters from accounted for, 2:148n
  • letters to, 2:147–2:148, 10:222–10:228, 10:367–10:369, 10:435–10:436
  • and publication of TJ’s letters, 10:221, 10:322, 10:323, 10:367
  • and reform of Va. constitution, 10:162–10:163, 10:322–10:323, 10:361, 10:367–10:368, 10:405–10:406, 10:434, 10:435–10:436
  • solicits donation for school, 1:566–1:567, 2:147, 2:148n

Kerens, Heinrich Johann von, 8:560, 8:562n

Kerr, Mr.

  • merchant in Manchester, Va., 3:258

Kerr, James

  • chairs meeting of Washington Co. Democratic Republicans, 1:100n
  • identified, 1:100n

Kerr, John

  • and corn for TJ, 18:318

Kerr, John (1782–1842)

  • as U.S. representative from Va., 11:8

Kerr, John B.

  • and Henderson lands, 1:439–1:440, 1:460, 1:461

Kerr, Joseph

  • as commissioner of Cumberland Road, 1:26, 1:173n

Kerr, Lewis

  • A Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans, 3:168, 3:546

Kerr, Margaret

  • signs petition, 18:146

Kerr, Mekins

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Kerr, Sarah

  • signs petition, 18:146

Kerr, Sarah Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John B. Kerr’s wife), 1:439–1:440, 1:459, 1:460, 1:461, 5:422, 5:424n, 5:427, 5:427, 5:427, 11:42–11:43n, 12:559–12:560

Kerr & Caskie (Manchester, Va., firm)

  • buys TJ’s tobacco, 19:695

Kersey, Jesse

  • A Treatise on Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Religion: in which are illustrated the profession, ministry, worship, and faith of the Society of Friends, 17:382, 17:383n

Kershaw, Charles

  • as merchant, 13:530–13:531n

Kershaw & Lewis (Charleston firm)

  • and goods for TJ, 13:530, 13:557
  • identified, 13:530–13:531n
  • letter from, 13:530–13:531

Kersner (Kershner), Martin, 1:27

Kesteloot, Jacob Lodewijk

  • edits Discours sur les Progrès des Sciences, Lettres et Arts, 1:656, 13:147, 13:394, 13:394–13:395n, 13:428, 13:596
  • identified, 1:657n
  • letters from, 1:656–1:657

Keteltas, William, 1:26

Kett, Henry

  • Elements of General Knowledge, 19:506

Key, Ann (Martin Key’s wife), 5:425

Key, Francis Scott

  • and National Intelligencer, 12:153n
  • “The Star-Spangled Banner” , 20:598n

Key, Jesse B.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:334
  • as juror, 5:278, 5:279
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • witnesses warrant, 5:280

Key, John

  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 9:54
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Key, Joshua

  • and Central College subscription, 11:325, 11:332
  • and Jefferson v. Michie, 6:576n

Key, Martin, 3:211

Key, Strother

  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254

Keyes, Mr. (of Rhode Island)

  • Latin school of, 18:659

Keys, James

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:123n

Kickapoo Indians, 6:323–6:324, 8:222

Kidd, John

  • mineralogical theories of, 13:102

Kiel, Treaty of (1814), 15:573n

Kimber, Emmor

  • identified, 9:590n
  • letter from, 9:589–9:590
  • map published by, 9:589, 9:590n
  • as publisher, 1:256n, 9:589

Kimber & Conrad (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 1:256n
  • letters from, 1:256
  • solicits book subscription, 1:256
  • TJ purchases books from, 5:443n

Kimber & Richardson (Philadelphia firm)

  • and Emporium of Arts & Sciences, 12:655, 13:43, 13:72

Kimbrough, William

  • and H. Marks’s estate, 5:428, 6:135

Kincaid, Robert J.

  • and Central College subscription, 11:333

Kincaid’s Tavern (Augusta Co.), 13:230, 13:231, 13:232

Kinder, Arthur See also Shotwell & Kinder (New York firm)

  • identified, 7:73n

Kinderhook, N.Y.

  • longitude of, 4:263, 4:654

King, Benjamin

  • and hoisting machine, 19:226, 19:279
  • identified, 19:207–19:208n
  • inventions of, 19:207, 19:226, 19:279
  • letters from, 19:207–19:208, 19:279
  • letter to, 19:226–19:227

King, Charles Bird

  • portrait of S. H. Smith, 8:xlv, 8:272 (illus.)

King, Cyrus

  • and purchase of TJ’s library by Congress, 7:680
  • and B. Waterhouse, 6:99, 6:101n

King, John

  • family of, 7:576

King, John Edwards, 1:25

King, Josias

  • as State Department clerk, 13:20

King, Mary Alsop (Rufus King’s wife), 14:3

King, Miles (d. 1814)

  • family of, 7:576, 7:590n

King, Miles (d. 1834)

  • identified, 7:589n
  • letters from, 7:573–7:590
  • letters to, 7:704–7:706
  • and TJ’s salvation, 7:573–7:589, 7:704–7:705

King, Nicholas

  • identified, 1:12n
  • letters from, 1:11–1:12
  • and meeting of Washington Republicans, 1:11–1:12

King, Robert (1775–1831)

  • graphics by, 17:166, 17:167–17:172
  • identified, 17:171–17:172n

King, Robert (of Tennessee)

  • and Battle of Kings Mountain, 19:120, 19:120

King, Rufus

  • and colonization of Sierra Leone, 3:319, 3:320n
  • and E. W. R. Coolidge, 18:38n
  • and J. Delaplaine’s Repository, 11:202
  • and T. Kosciuszko’s estate, 14:3–14:4, 14:68
  • and Missouri question, 15:441, 15:441n, 15:532, 15:536n, 16:250
  • and offer of crown to G. Washington, 12:429
  • C. W. Peale paints, 13:540
  • and plan for New England secession, 5:13, 5:14n
  • sends money to Lafayette, 2:14
  • signer of U.S. Constitution, 16:252n
  • and tariffs, 16:250
  • U.S. minister to Great Britain, 3:96n, 4:670, 4:671n, 10:281–10:282
  • as U.S. senator, 6:176, 6:177n, 6:178, 6:202, 6:241, 6:242n, 7:115, 7:115n, 12:592n, 16:253n

King, Sackville

  • identified, 8:493n
  • letter from, 8:493
  • recommends overseer, 8:493

King, Sampson, 5:533–5:542

King, Walter, 3:179, 3:211, 5:15–5:16

King, William (of Maine)

  • as governor of Maine, 15:497, 15:511
  • identified, 13:508n
  • introduced to TJ, 13:508
  • letter from, 15:174
  • letter to, 15:226
  • and Maine constitution, 15:174, 15:226
  • visits Monticello, 15:174, 15:497

King, William (of South Carolina)

  • and calculation of latitude and longitude, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85, 13:119–13:120
  • identified, 12:644n
  • letters from, 12:643–12:644, 13:84–13:85
  • letter to, 13:119–13:120

King, William, Rev.

  • and Central College cornerstone laying, 12:67, 12:69, 12:69

King, William Rufus

  • as secretary of legation to Russia, 13:79n
  • and sculpture of G. Washington, 10:412, 10:412

King Arthur: or, the British Worthy (J. Dryden), 17:310, 17:375n

Kingsbury, Cyrus

  • identified, 10:158–10:159n
  • as missionary to Indians, 18:644
  • quotes TJ, 10:159n
  • visits Monticello, 10:158, 10:159n

King’s College (later part of the University of Aberdeen), 13:138, 13:139n

Kings Mountain, Battle of (1780)

  • D. Campbell on, 4:134–4:135, 4:135n
  • role of W. Campbell, 19:118–19:123, 19:130, 19:140, 19:166, 19:192, 19:192n
  • TJ’s account of prisoners taken at, 8:431, 8:431n

Kingston, Stephen

  • identified, 10:387n
  • letter from, 10:386–10:387
  • letter to, 10:406–10:407
  • and ownership of Philadelphia land, 10:386, 10:387n, 10:406–10:407

Kingston, Upper Canada, 5:319–5:320, 7:10, 7:14, 7:51, 7:56, 7:88, 7:91

King v. Taylor, 7:147–7:148, 7:148, 7:148

King v. Woolston, 7:147–7:148, 7:148

King William County, Va.

  • proposed sale of lands in, 2:534–2:535, 2:671
  • and Rumford Academy, 20:460n

Kinkead, Thomas

  • Botetourt Co. property of, 18:102, 18:103n

Kinnan, Robert, 2:142, 2:513

Kinney, Mr.

  • and titles to western lands, 14:113, 14:136

Kinsale, Va.

  • post office at, 6:644

Kinsey, Charles

  • and Missouri question, 15:532

Kinsley, Martin

  • and Missouri question, 15:530, 15:535n

Kinsolving, Mr.

  • TJ’s debt to, 15:425

Kinsolving, George Washington

  • and Central College–University of Virginia subscription, 11:329, 13:162, 16:476, 17:630, 20:195
  • tavern of, 15:162
  • and University of Virginia, 16:476, 16:481, 19:47, 19:52n, 20:197, 20:215, 20:217

Kinsolving, James

  • and Central College subscription, 11:329
  • and Mutual Assurance Society, 15:575–15:576, 15:595, 18:600
  • petition to General Assembly, 3:253–3:254
  • TJ pays, 6:337, 6:338n

Kippen & Company (Glasgow firm), 2:513, 12:645, 16:415, 16:512, 17:111, 17:226–17:227n, 20:107–20:108

Kippis, Andrew

  • English theologian, 6:145–6:146, 6:227

Kirby, Mr. (boatman), 14:361, 14:363, 17:153, 17:211

Kirby, Edmund

  • visits Monticello and Montpellier (Madison family estate), 15:404

Kirby, Larkin

  • and University of Virginia, 17:635

Kircher, Konrad

  • Concordantiae Veteris Testamenti graecae, ebræis vocibvs respondentes, 5:36

Kirckman, Jacob, 16:xlix

Kirckman, Joseph, 16:xlix

Kirk & Mercein (New York firm), 13:178n

Kirkland, John Thornton

  • and B. Franklin, 13:603
  • identified, 18:5n
  • letter from, 18:4–18:5
  • letter to, 18:78
  • as minister of New South Church, Boston, 14:310
  • as president of Harvard University, 11:142, 11:143n, 14:536, 18:27, 18:518, 18:656, 19:147, 19:149n, 20:534, 20:544–20:545n
  • and tariffs on books, 18:4–18:5, 18:78

Kirkland, Joseph

  • identified, 4:106–4:107n
  • letters from, 4:105–4:107
  • letter to, 4:175+
  • letters to accounted for, 4:107n
  • and Seventy-Six Association, 4:105, 4:106–4:107n, 4:175+

Kirkpatrick, William

  • as U.S. representative from N.Y., 19:171n
  • visits TJ in Washington, 19:171n

Kirwan, Elliott

  • master of Goodintent , 4:215

Kirwan, Richard

  • Elements of Mineralogy , 2:375, 2:377n
  • The Manures Most Advantageously Applicable to The various Sorts of Soils, 11:164
  • mineralogical theories of, 13:102

Kite, Benjamin See also Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 4:186n

Kite, Benjamin & Thomas (Philadelphia firm). See Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)

Kite, Thomas See also Benjamin & Thomas Kite (Philadelphia firm)

  • identified, 4:186n

Klaproth, Martin Heinrich

  • writings of, 14:168

Klein, Jacob Theodor

  • and classification of animals, 7:208, 11:367

Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb

  • popularity of, 9:84
  • statue of, 13:5

Kluyskens, Jean François, 10:230

Kneeland, Abner

  • identified, 18:213n
  • Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. The New Testament, in Greek and English, 18:212, 18:241–18:242, 20:53, 20:64, 20:100, 20:101
  • letters from, 18:212–18:213, 20:53
  • letters to, 18:241–18:242, 20:100
  • The New Testament; being the English only of the Greek and English Testament, 20:53, 20:53n
  • receipt from, 20:64, 20:481
  • TJ pays, 20:64, 20:159, 20:329

Knickerbocker, Diedrich. See Irving, Washington: A History of New York

Knigge, Adolph Franz Friedrich, 7:587, 7:590n

Knight, Mr.

  • and brickwork for Central College, 12:318, 12:318–12:319n

Knight, David

  • and brickwork for Central College, 11:558–11:559, 11:602, 11:602n, 11:610, 11:669, 12:xlix, 12:55, 12:55, 12:93, 12:183, 12:184, 12:269, 12:318, 12:319n, 12:363, 15:86, 15:89, 15:93, 15:93, 17:625
  • identified, 11:559n
  • letter from, 11:558–11:559
  • letters to, 11:610, 12:55–12:56

Knight, Nehemiah, 2:319–2:320

Knight, Richard. See R. & G. Knight (London firm)

Knight, Thomas

  • The Turnpike Gate, 16:xlix

Knight, Thomas Andrew

  • A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry, 1:582, 2:83, 11:165

Knights of Malta

  • and Jewel of Malta, 18:58, 18:60n


  • C. L. Bankhead’s, 14:8, 14:10n, 14:16, 14:20, 14:20, 14:20
  • drawknives, 1:135, 1:136n
  • pocketknives, 12:l–12:li, 12:348 (illus.) , 17:604–17:605, 18:23
  • for scalping, 8:222
  • shoemaker’s, 19:10, 19:11, 19:16n
  • straw, 17:386
  • TJ orders, 19:13
  • as tool, 20:611
  • for whittling, 19:646

Knox, Henry

  • and offer of crown to G. Washington, 12:419
  • political legacy of, 17:213
  • as secretary of war, 2:273n, 6:259n, 12:416, 19:73, 19:73, 19:74, 19:124

Knox, Henry Jackson

  • seeks naval appointment, 19:74

Knox, John

  • clergy compared to, 15:466

Knox, Lucy Flucker (Henry Knox’s wife)

  • seeks appointment for son, 19:74

Knox, Samuel

  • considered for position at Central College, 11:566, 11:570, 12:76
  • and De Jure Regni Apud Scotos (G. Buchanan), 2:172, 2:174n, 2:215
  • as educator, 11:566, 11:570, 11:606, 12:76, 13:450–13:454, 13:454n
  • identified, 2:174n
  • letters from, 2:172–2:174, 13:450–13:455
  • letters to, 2:215–2:216, 13:484
  • public disputes of, 13:450–13:451, 13:452–13:453, 13:455n
  • seeks position at University of Virginia, 13:450, 13:453–13:454, 13:484
  • supposed retirement of, 12:19
  • TJ on, 2:215
  • A Vindication of the Religion of Mr. Jefferson, 2:173, 2:174n, 2:215–2:216


  • and French Revolution, 7:298, 7:299n, 9:376, 9:484, 12:245, 20:369, 20:370n

Koch, Dorothea

  • signs petition, 18:146

Koelreuteria paniculata. See goldenrain tree

Koenig, Amand

  • Catalogus auctorum classicorum, 8:361, 8:362, 8:362n, 8:579
  • sells books to TJ, 8:361–8:362, 8:362n

Koiner, John

  • and University of Virginia, 16:314

Koiner, Michael

  • and University of Virginia, 17:639, 17:641n

Koiner, Philip

  • and University of Virginia, 17:636, 17:641n

Komarzewski, Jan Chrzciciel

  • Coup-d’Oeil rapide sur les causes réelles de la Décadence de la Pologne, 1:535, 1:536n, 4:56
  • Memoir on a subterranean graphometer, 1:535, 1:536n
  • sends books to TJ, 1:535, 1:536n, 2:536

Komenský (Comenius), Jan Amos

  • Janua Linguarum Reserata, 8:482, 8:482n
  • Orbis Sensualium Pictus (trans. C. Hoole), 14:276, 14:351, 16:640n, 17:4, 17:16, 17:211

Koontz, Jacob

  • identified, 10:274n
  • letter from, 10:240+
  • letter from accounted for, 10:272n
  • letter to, 10:273–10:274
  • military service claims of, 10:240+, 10:272, 10:273–10:274

Koontz, John

  • identified, 1:574n
  • letters from, 1:573–1:574
  • and merino sheep, 1:573–1:574

Koran, 2:420, 10:611

Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Andrzej Bonawentura

  • account with J. Barnes, 7:432, 7:456–7:457, 7:499, 7:713, 8:430, 8:484, 8:499, 8:500, 8:500–8:501, 9:465, 9:465, 10:94–10:95, 10:295–10:296, 10:431, 10:638, 10:638–10:642, 11:57, 11:58n, 11:125, 12:317, 12:347, 12:347–12:348, 13:319, 13:320–13:321, 14:68, 14:68, 14:69, 14:70, 14:131, 14:158, 14:482
  • on acquisition of Canada, 6:150
  • and American Revolution, 13:114–13:115, 13:116n, 13:153–13:154, 13:155–13:156
  • J. Armstrong’s Notes on, 13:114–13:116, 16:87
  • Bank of Columbia stock of, 9:587–9:588, 10:93, 10:94–10:95, 10:295–10:296, 10:312, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:639, 10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:57, 11:124, 11:155, 12:347, 12:347, 13:320, 13:320, 13:321, 14:158, 14:426, 14:508n, 15:376, 17:499, 17:500, 17:510, 17:513, 17:533, 17:533n, 17:550
  • Bank of Pennsylvania stock of, 1:408, 2:135, 2:181, 3:89, 3:90n, 3:284, 3:289, 3:524, 4:17, 4:18n, 4:26, 4:418, 4:463, 4:487–4:488, 5:374, 5:380, 5:381n, 6:168, 6:307, 6:546, 7:170, 7:189, 7:192, 7:193–7:194, 7:211–7:212, 7:215–7:216, 7:233–7:234, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:294, 7:294, 7:314–7:316, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:355, 7:369, 7:380–7:381, 7:421, 7:432n, 7:432, 7:432, 7:432, 7:432, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 8:20, 8:300, 8:499, 8:499, 8:500, 8:573, 14:69
  • and J. Barnes, 1:206, 7:233–7:234, 7:261, 7:283–7:284, 7:294, 7:294, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:334, 7:353, 7:354, 7:363, 7:380–7:381, 7:421, 7:431–7:432, 7:437, 7:440, 7:440–7:441, 7:442–7:443, 7:456–7:457, 7:475, 7:553–7:554, 8:125, 8:145, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194–8:195, 8:430, 8:472–8:473, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 9:181–9:182, 9:182n, 9:500, 10:312–10:313, 10:479, 11:350, 11:362, 12:23, 12:319, 12:322–12:323, 14:324, 14:370, 14:425–14:426, 14:426–14:427, 14:444
  • believes TJ to be secretary of state, 8:344
  • death of, 12:143–12:144, 12:144, 12:145–12:146n, 12:228–12:229, 12:293–12:294, 12:313, 12:316, 12:319, 12:319, 12:322, 12:347, 12:546, 13:155–13:156, 13:320, 13:351, 13:353–13:354, 14:130, 14:130, 14:131, 14:228, 14:482
  • on education in the U.S., 4:469, 8:344–8:345, 12:23
  • estate of, 12:315n, 12:317, 12:319, 12:346, 12:546, 13:319, 13:351–13:352, 13:384, 13:528, 14:3–14:4, 14:68, 14:69, 14:70, 14:79, 14:130, 14:131, 14:158, 14:228, 14:264, 14:324, 14:341, 14:343, 14:370, 14:426–14:427, 14:444, 14:454, 14:482–14:483, 14:488, 14:508, 15:180, 15:210–15:211, 15:376–15:377, 17:443, 17:485, 17:497, 17:497n, 17:498–17:500, 17:501n, 17:510, 17:513, 17:533, 17:550, 20:52
  • on European affairs, 12:23
  • and European opinions of U.S., 9:714, 9:715
  • financial distress of, 7:151, 7:316, 7:355, 8:344, 8:480–8:481, 9:715, 10:567, 14:68, 14:68–14:69
  • B. Franklin on, 16:27
  • funeral of, 12:293, 12:313, 13:84, 13:84n
  • gives animal fur to TJ, 9:147, 9:147–9:148n
  • gives military advice, 6:150–6:151
  • identified, 1:207n
  • and investment in U.S. government loan, 7:170, 7:333–7:334, 7:334, 7:355, 7:363, 7:369, 8:20, 8:145, 8:145n, 8:172, 8:172, 8:194–8:195, 8:300–8:301, 8:346, 8:425–8:426, 8:472–8:473, 8:499, 8:500, 8:573–8:574, 9:448, 9:587–9:588, 10:295–10:296, 10:312, 10:431–10:432, 10:451, 10:568, 10:584, 10:585, 10:598–10:599, 10:599, 10:625, 10:626, 10:638, 10:639–10:640, 10:641, 10:665, 11:27, 11:27n, 11:57, 11:58n, 11:124–11:125, 11:155, 11:155, 11:187, 12:347, 12:347, 12:347, 12:347, 13:320, 13:320, 13:320, 13:320–13:321, 13:542, 14:158, 14:426, 14:427, 15:376, 17:499, 17:500, 17:510, 17:513, 17:533, 17:533n, 17:550
  • letters delivered to, 4:326, 5:319–5:321
  • letter from, to J. Barnes, 9:465
  • letters from, 1:206–1:207, 3:415–3:418, 4:469–4:470, 6:150–6:152, 7:151–7:152, 7:363–7:364, 7:475–7:476, 8:344–8:345, 9:714–9:716, 11:398–11:399, 12:23–12:24
  • letters from accounted for, 6:507n
  • letters to, 2:257–2:261, 3:565–3:567, 3:617, 4:28–4:29, 5:186–5:188, 5:295–5:296, 7:9–7:13, 7:442–7:443, 8:300–8:301, 8:573–8:575, 11:447–11:449
  • letters to mentioned, 2:256, 2:268, 2:410, 2:463, 4:33, 7:349, 7:441
  • medal honoring, 19:liv, 19:541n
  • mentioned, 3:62n, 12:38
  • on military preparedness, 1:206, 3:415–3:416
  • mislaid bank stock of, 1:166, 1:217, 1:218n, 2:181, 2:188
  • monument to, 17:414–17:415, 17:415n, 17:478
  • plan to emancipate and educate American slaves, 2:260, 2:261n, 13:154, 13:156, 14:130, 14:228, 14:482, 15:180, 17:499–17:500, 17:501n
  • and P. Poinsot’s consular ambitions, 13:272, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 13:282n, 14:388–14:389, 16:51, 16:52
  • and P. Poinsot’s land grant, 11:398–11:399, 11:472, 11:473, 12:299, 12:432, 13:54, 13:54, 13:273, 13:273, 13:280–13:281, 13:427
  • as Polish patriot, 2:257, 9:714–9:715, 12:23, 13:114, 13:115
  • power of attorney from, 8:345, 8:346, 10:312–10:313, 10:313n, 10:432, 10:432, 10:451, 10:479, 10:568, 10:584, 10:584, 10:599, 11:57, 11:58n, 12:230, 12:316, 12:319, 12:322–12:323
  • profile of TJ by, 2:39, 2:39–2:40n, 2:106, 10:258
  • proposed biographies of, 12:228–12:229, 12:230–12:231, 12:546, 13:113, 13:114–13:115, 13:153–13:154, 14:50, 14:51, 14:143, 16:26–16:28, 16:28n, 16:86–16:87, 16:492, 17:66, 19:427, 19:599
  • on Quakers, 4:469
  • recommends C. Le Brun
  • remittances to, 2:134–2:135, 2:151–2:152, 2:181–2:182, 2:219, 2:256, 2:257, 2:260, 3:284, 3:524–3:525, 3:528, 3:558, 3:567, 3:587, 3:613, 3:617, 3:619, 4:3, 4:17, 4:26, 4:29, 4:418, 4:462, 4:469, 4:487–4:488, 4:521, 4:576, 4:576, 4:591–4:592, 4:621, 4:629–4:630, 4:665–4:666, 4:684–4:685, 5:27–5:28, 5:59–5:60, 5:192, 5:295, 5:296, 5:380, 5:381n, 5:393, 5:484, 5:531, 5:571, 6:85, 6:91–6:92, 6:118, 6:151, 6:166, 6:168, 6:211–6:212, 6:212, 6:239–6:240, 6:262–6:263, 6:307, 6:507, 6:546, 6:558, 6:577–6:578, 6:606–6:607, 6:607n, 7:9–7:10, 7:46, 7:151, 7:151–7:152n, 7:169, 7:189, 7:216, 7:333–7:334, 7:354, 7:355, 7:363–7:364, 7:380, 7:421, 7:431–7:432, 7:432, 7:437, 7:439–7:440, 7:441, 7:442, 7:456, 7:456–7:457, 7:475, 7:499, 7:572, 7:617, 8:125, 8:125, 8:344, 8:430, 8:480–8:481, 8:484, 8:497, 8:498–8:499n, 8:500, 8:573–8:574, 9:181, 9:181, 9:182, 9:367, 9:448, 9:465, 9:465, 10:250, 10:250, 10:296, 10:296–10:297n, 10:479, 10:567–10:568, 10:584, 10:599, 10:638, 10:639, 10:641, 10:641–10:642, 11:361, 11:447–11:448, 11:522, 11:523, 12:317, 12:347, 14:68–14:69, 14:70, 14:324, 14:426
  • sends regards to TJ, 7:505, 9:465
  • G. Ticknor carries letter to, 9:560
  • TJ invites to live at Monticello, 11:449, 12:23
  • TJ praises, 7:12
  • TJ’s debt to, 6:167, 6:168, 7:680, 8:300–8:301, 8:425–8:426, 8:430, 8:437–8:438, 8:472–8:473, 8:573–8:574, 9:715
  • TJ’s draft to, 1:281, 2:135, 2:181–2:182, 2:256, 2:260, 3:416, 3:528, 4:28–4:29, 4:462–4:463
  • on U.S., 12:23
  • in F. A. Van der Kemp’s proposed book, 4:507
  • and B. West’s The Fright of Astyanax, 8:137n, 8:160
  • wills of, 2:260, 2:261n, 12:313–12:314, 12:314–12:315, 12:316, 12:319, 12:323, 12:369–12:370, 13:lii, 13:154, 13:156, 14:3, 14:3, 14:68, 14:79, 14:130, 14:131, 14:261, 14:261n, 14:264, 14:268, 14:343, 14:426–14:427, 14:482, 14:508, 15:180, 15:180, 15:210–15:211, 15:336, 15:336n, 15:358, 15:358n, 15:376, 15:377, 15:377n, 17:485, 17:499, 17:513, 20:52

Kosloff, Nicholas

  • accused of rape, 10:483, 10:483n, 11:123n, 13:119, 13:119n

Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von

  • La Peyrouse, 4:269, 4:274n
  • The Stranger, 3:633n

Krafft, Michael

  • The American Distiller, 8:410, 8:412n


  • monument to T. Kosciuszko in, 17:414–17:415, 17:415n, 17:478
  • senate of, 17:414–17:415, 17:415n, 17:478

Kublai Khan, 6:137

Kugler, Benjamin, 10:179n

Kuhl, Henry, 16:360n

Kuhn, John

  • as miller, 10:474–10:475

Kuntz, Elizabeth, Jr.

  • signs petition, 18:146

Kupfer, Charles F.

  • and Boston Glass Manufactory, 14:274n, 14:434–14:435, 14:435, 14:455, 14:475–14:476
  • identified, 14:435n
  • letters to, 14:434–14:435, 14:475–14:476

Kuricke, Reinhold

  • Scriptorum de Jure Nautico et Maritimo Fasciculus, 8:387, 8:387–8:388n

Kursheedt, Israel Baer

  • identified, 7:435–7:436n
  • letters from, 7:435–7:436
  • sends books to TJ, 7:435–7:436, 7:441–7:442

Küster, Ludolph

  • De Vero Usu Verborum Mediorum (ed. E. Leedes), 10:358
  • Σουίδας. Suidæ Lexicon, 8:581, 9:108

Kyle, William & David (Richmond firm). See William & David Kyle (Richmond firm)

Kyrle, John

  • known as the “Man of Ross”, 4:391, 4:392n, 17:301, 17:301n