Silent America: Indentured Servitude, White Poverty, and Origins of the United States
Join us, Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4pm for a Fellow’s Forum by University of Texas at Austin professor of Government, Bartholomew H. Sparrow.
Some ICJS programs are offered in a hybrid format, with in-person and online attendance opportunities. We look forward to welcoming you to our programs! Virtual programs at the ICJS are free, unless specified otherwise. In-person programs, while also free unless specified otherwise, may require advanced registration. See individual event pages for details.
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Join us, Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4pm for a Fellow’s Forum by University of Texas at Austin professor of Government, Bartholomew H. Sparrow.
Join us, Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4pm for a Fellow’s Forum by Pierangelo Castagneto, Research Coordinator at the International Center for Studies on Italian Emigration (Genoa).
Join us, Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 4pm for a Fellow’s Forum by Donald Johnson, associate professor of history at North Dakota State University.
Join us, Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 4pm for a Fellow’s Forum with James E. Lewis, Jr., professor of History at Kalamazoo College.
Join us, Thursday, April 24, 2025 at 4pm for a Fellow’s Forum by Charlene M. Boyer Lewis, the Larry J. Bell Distinguished Professor in American History at Kalamazoo College.
Join DAACS staff and DAACS collaborating scholars for a diverse range of conversations on ground-breaking new archaeological research in the American South and Caribbean. Multiple dates.
A Fellow's Forum with master storyteller Sheila Arnold from January 21, 2025.
A fellow’s forum with Jameta Barlow, associate professor of writing in The George Washington University's University Writing Program and Women's Leadership from November 25, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Philip Mills Herrington, Associate Professor of History at James Madison University from October 30, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Dr. Sandra Rebok from October 28, 2024.
A fellow's forum with naturalist, filmmaker, and author, Priyanka Kumar from October 22, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Gesa Mackenthun, Professor of American Studies, Rostock University, Germany from September 25, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Ethan Gonzales, PhD candidate at the University of Virginia from August 20, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Graeme Mack, University of Richmond from August 15, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Whitney Nell Stewart, Associate Professor of History and Faculty, Edith O'Donnell Institute of Art History at the University of Texas at Dallas from July 24, 2024.
Lightning talks from DAACS collaborating scholars Kendy Alter, Jodi Barnes, Luke Pecararo, Karen Smith, and Myles Sullivan from July 19, 2024. This presentation, part of the DAACS Conversations series, was entirely virtual. Recording available.
A fellow's forum with Michael A. McDonnell, Professor and Chair of History at the University of Sydney, Australia, from June 27, 2024.
A fellow’s forum with Steven G. Krug, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Georgia, from June 24, 2024.
A conversation between Marlene L. Daut, Professor of French and African American Studies at Yale University and author of Awakening the Ashes: An Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution (University of North Carolina Press, 2023) and Laurent Dubois, John L. Nau III Bicentennial Professor in the History & Principles of Democracy and Academic Director of the Karsh Institute of Democracy, University of Virginia, from June 3, 2024. Recording available.
A fellow's forum with wine writer Sydney Love, from May 23, 2024.
The 2024 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Lecture with historian Sarah Pearsall, held at the University of Virginia's Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library in Charlottesville on May 13, 2024.
A fellow's forum with Steve Sarson, Professor of American Civilizations at Jean Moulin University, Lyon, France, from April 30, 2024.
A conversation between Whitney Nell Stewart, historian and author of This is Our Home: Slavery and Struggle on Southern Plantations and Andrew Davenport, Director of African American History & The Getting Word African American Oral History Project at Monticello from April 25, 2024. Recording available.
A fellow's forum with Benoit Leridon, University of Birmingham, U.K. from April 23, 2024.
A book talk by Talmage Boston, lawyer, historian, and author of How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons from Our Top Presidents from April 18, 2024.
A presentation by presidential historian, Dr. Lindsay M. Chervinsky, as part of the 2024 Virginia Festival of the Book from March 24, 2024. Recording available.
Revolutionary Women: A Symposium was co-hosted by the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello and the University of Virginia Press on March 22, 2024.
A conversation between Frank Cogliano, historian and author of Revolutionary Friendship: Washington, Jefferson, and the American Republic and Professors Annette Gordon-Reed and Peter Onuf from February 17, 2024. Recording available.
More information on our 2023 book talk series featuring new books by leading scholars discussing a variety of topics on the history of the early American republic.
Democracy in the Americas - the Monroe Doctrine and the Past and Present of US Policy in Latin America was co-hosted by the American Academy of Diplomacy, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, and the University of Virginia Center for Politics on November 17, 2023.
A book talk by John A. Ragosta, historian and author of For the People, For the Country: Patrick Henry's Final Political Battle from November 7, 2023. Recording available.
The Second Annual Leonard J. Sadosky Memorial Lecture, "American Reformation" given by Dr. Alyssa Penick, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Jefferson Scholars Foundation, University of Virginia, from September 29, 2023.
A conversation between John Ragosta, historian at the International Center for Jefferson Studies and Gregory May, author of A Madman's Will from September 26, 2023. Recording available.
Studying the Past, Planning the Future: Commemorating the Centennial of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation was held at the Robert H. Smith Center at Montalto on September 22, 2023.
A book talk by J.C. Hallman, author of Say Anarcha: A Young Woman, a Devious Surgeon, and the Harrowing Birth of Modern Women's Health from September 14, 2023.
A book talk by Lucia McMahon, Professor and Chair of History at William Paterson University from August 24, 2023. Recording available.
The 2023 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Lecture with historian Patrick Griffin, held at the University of Virginia's Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library in Charlottesville on May 12, 2023.
A conversation between Patrick Griffin, Madden-Hennebry Family Professor of History; Thomas Moore and Judy Livingston Director, Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, the University of Notre Dame and and author of The Age of Atlantic Revolution: the Fall and Rise of a Connected World and Frank Cogliano, Professor of American History and Dean International (North America), University of Edinburgh from May 11, 2023. Recording available.
A presentation by Pulitzer Prize winning author and historian, Edward J. Larson as part of the 2023 Virginia Festival of the book from March 26, 2023. Recording available.
A presentation by Eliga Gould, Professor of History at the University of New Hampshire and 2022-2023 Fritz and Claudine Kundrun Fellow from February 16, 2023.
A book talk with historian Peter Mancall author of The Trials of Thomas Morton: An Anglican Lawyer, His Puritan Foes, and the Battle for a New England from November 2, 2022.
Diplomacy and the Environment was co-hosted by the American Academy of Diplomacy, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, and the University of Virginia Center for Politics on October 21, 2022.
A book talk with award-winning historian Robert Pierce Forbes and author of Notes on the State of Virginia: An Annotated Edition from October 12, 2022. Recording available.
A talk with Jim Ambuske (of Mount Vernon) and Jeanette Patrick (from George Mason University), moderated by Monticello's Jenna Owens, discussing their widely acclaimed podcast Intertwined about the enslaved community at Mount Vernon from September 14, 2022.
The 2022 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Lecture with historian Joanne Freeman, held at the University of Virginia's Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library in Charlottesville on May 10, 2022. Recording available.
A presentation by author and historian Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy as part of the 2022 Virginia Festival of the book from March 20, 2022. Recording available.
A virtual book talk with Martin Clagett, independent scholar and author of A Spark of Revolution: William Small, Thomas Jefferson, and James Watt: The Curious Connection Between the American Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. This talk was co-hosted by the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies (RIISS) at the University of Aberdeen and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello on February 22, 2022.
A conversation between Andrew O'Shaughnessy and volume contributors Andrew Wehrman, Endrina Tay, Diane Ehrenpreis, and Elizabeth Chew reflecting on Jefferson's influence on scientific inquiry during the Early Republic and held in honor of the publication of a special issue of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society - "The Spirit of Inquiry in the Age of Jefferson" (Vol. 110, No. 2, 2022) from January 25, 2022. Recording available.
A book talk with bestselling author, Andrew Roberts from November 18, 2021. Recording available.
News, Propaganda, and Diplomacy was co-hosted by the American Academy of Diplomacy, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, and The University of Virginia Center for Politics on October 30, 2021. Recording available.
A book launch with Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy, author and Saunders Director of the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello from October 5, 2021. Recording available.
A book talk with Paul Finkelman, President of Gratz College from September 1, 2021. Recording available.
The Transatlantic Slavery Symposium was a joint venture between the Robert H. Smith Scholarship Centre at Benjamin Franklin House in London, the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at George Washington’s Mount Vernon, and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello held from August 9-13, 2021. Recording available.
The 2021 Thomas Jefferson Foundation Lecture with Professor Jane Kamensky, held virtually on May 13, 2021.
A digital book talk with Carolyn Eastman, Associate Professor of History at Virginia Commonwealth University from April 29, 2021. Recording available.
A digital book talk with historian and Professor of Military Theory and Strategy at the U.S. Army War College, Colonel (Retired) Kevin J. Weddle from April 22, 2021. Recording available.
A virtual conference hosted by the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello on March 20, 2021. This program was made possible by the Fiske and Marie Kimball/Monticello Fund, generously provided by the Trustees of the Jane Tarleton Smith Moore estate. Recording available.
A digital book talk with historian and internationally known tax expert Gregory May from January 28, 2021. Recording available.
A digital book talk with R.B. Bernstein, Lecturer in Law and Politics at the City College of New York, on his newest book, The Education of John Adams from December 15, 2020. Recording available.
A virtual talk with four emerging Early American History scholars - Alexi Garrett, Michael A. Blaakman, Derek O'Keary, and Krysten Blackstone - from November 19, 2020. This event was co-sponsored by the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello. Recording available.
A virtual discussion between Dr. Andrew O’Shaughnessy and Dr. Sandra Rebok from November 11, 2020. This presentation was co-sponsored by the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. Recording available.
Does Europe Still Matter to America? was co-hosted by the American Academy of Diplomacy, the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies, and the University of Virginia Center for Politics on October 24, 2020.
A virtual book talk with Lindsay M. Chervinsky, Ph.D. from October 8, 2020. Recording available.
A virtual discussion with Professor Frank Cogliano of the University of Edinburgh, co-hosted by Mount Vernon's Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello from August 27, 2020. Recording available.
A virtual book talk with Dr. Laura Sandy of the University of Liverpool on her new book, The Overseers of Early American Slavery: Supervisors, Enslaved Labourers, and the Plantation Enterprise from July 28, 2020. This presentation was co-sponsored by Mount Vernon's Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington and the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello. Recording available.
Through a fellowship program, international scholarly conferences, panel discussions, teacher workshops, lectures, and curriculum-based tours, the ICJS establishes relationships with people from around the world.
1050 Monticello Loop
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 984-9800