Digital models of slave dwellings t, s, and r. Image by RenderSphere, LLC

Excavation of slave dwelling s along Mulberry Row.
Built around 1793, these identical log dwellings were “servants houses of wood with wooden chimnies, & earth floors, 12. by 14. feet, each and 27. feet apart from one another.” They likely contained lofts and were made of pine “logs, hewed on two sides . . . and dove tailed.” The structures were single-family dwellings for enslaved artisans and house servants—likely residents of the buildings included Sally Hemings and her family, Critta Hemings and her son James (Jamey), and joiner John Hemmings and his wife Priscilla. All three of the dwellings were probably demolished around 1830.
Videos about Buildings "r., s., & t."

"I remember the interior of that cabin" - Finding a Lost Diary

"A Real Gathering Point" - The Home of John and Priscilla Hemings
Enslaved residents
- Critta Hemings (b. 1769) and son James Hemings (b. 1787), ca. 1793–
- Sally Hemings (b. 1773–1835) and family, ca. 1793–
- John Hemmings (1776–1833) and wife Priscilla Hemmings (d. 1830), after 1809–
- Peter Hemings (1770–1834+), 1809–