Celebrate Independence Day with Monticello!

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Some tell stories of Thomas Jefferson’s encyclopedic interests and achievements. Others of a house bustling with visitors and family members. Objects reveal the stories of enslaved people who lived and worked at  Monticello. Taken together, they paint a picture of a  young nation exploring new liberties and wrestling with old injustices as it expanded its boundaries, both geographical and philosophical. 

There are more than 5,000 items in Monticello’s collection, many of which are on display. Here are just a few of the things waiting to be discovered at Jefferson’s Monticello. We hope you’ll visit us soon to see these objects — and more — for yourself.

Gifts and Loans

Polygraph: Loaned by the University of Virginia; Anne Cary Randolph Bankhead Bust: Gift of John S. Morris; Thermometer: Thomas Jefferson Foundation purchase made possible through a generous donation from the Melville Foundation; Spectacle Case: Bequest of Charles, James and John Eddy; Clothes Press: Bequest of Juliet Graves Meikleham; Campeachy Chair: Thomas Jefferson Foundation purchase and gift of Pennsylvania School for the Deaf; Concave Mirror: Gift of Mrs. Parry Borgstrom; Sewing Box: On temporary deposit from John Lamb.