Thomas Jefferson Foundation leases Kenwood from the University of Virginia Foundation
Thomas Jefferson Foundation leases Kenwood from the University of Virginia Foundation
The publications program expands with the launch of the Monticello Monograph Series.
The Getting Word African American Oral History Project started
International Center for Jefferson Studies established. Douglas L. Wilson appointed founding director.
ICJS hosts its first research fellows
Kenwood campus buildings dedicated.
The Monticello Archaeology Department begins holding an annual open house for the public.
Monticello Archaeology’s Plantation Archaeology Survey begins.
James P. P. Horn appointed Saunders Director
ICJS sponsors its first event outside the United States - a conference held in London on "The Ideas and Ideals of Thomas Jefferson"
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Retirement Series project is founded at Monticello.
Monticello Archaeology receives a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to establish the Digital Archaeological Archive of Chesapeake Slavery (DAACS, later renamed the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery).
Jefferson Library dedicated and the Thomas Jefferson Portal online catalog launched.
Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy appointed the Saunders Director of ICJS.
ICJS celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2004. That same year, it was renamed the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies and endowed in perpetuity, thanks to a $15 million gift from Robert H. and Clarice Smith.
Volume 1 of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series is published.
The Thomas Jefferson’s Libraries project is launched, thanks to a three-year grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The Thomas Jefferson Wiki (later the Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia) is launched.
Monticello Archaeology begins offering public walking tours starting from the Visitors Center.
The editors of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series released a new publication: Jefferson Quotes and Family Letters.
ICJS adapts to the global pandemic by offering virtual conferences, including “Fiske and Marie Kimball: Shaping Our Experience of Buildings and Objects,” and the Transatlantic Slavery Symposium.
John Ragosta appointed Interim Director of ICJS
Getting Word is awarded a $3.5 million grant by the Mellon Foundation to expand and launch the second generation of the oral history project.
Francis D. Cogliano appointed Interim Director of ICJS.
ICJS celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Andrew Davenport appointed Interim Director of ICJS.
1050 Monticello Loop
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 984-9800