In his Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson listed the Jerusalem Artichoke as one of the "Esculent," or edible, plants of his beloved state. In 1809, he recorded their planting at Monticello, listing them using the French common name, "Topinambours."
A tender perennial that is a native of the United States, the Jerusalem Artichoke is a member of the sunflower family. Growing 7 to 10 feet tall, it shows numerous, sunflower-like blooms. It has long been cultivated for its edible tuberous roots, which are often used as substitutes for potatoes and are marketed today under the name of "Sunchokes."
Visit Monticello’s Online Shop to check for seeds or plants of Jerusalem Artichoke.
Typical Blooming Dates: September - October
Color(s): Yellow
Location at Monticello: Vegetable Garden
In Bloom at Monticello is made possible by support from The Richard D. and Carolyn W. Jacques Foundation.