
Growth Type Deciduous Tree
Hardiness Zones 6-10
Planting Conditions Full Sun
TJ Documented Plant Yes
Spaniards introduced this novel peach to Mexico in the sixteenth century. By the next century, European explorers in southeastern North America were astonished to find this Old-World fruit being grown by native tribes. This was possible because, unlike most fruit varieties that are maintained solely by complex methods of budding or grafting, the 'Indian Blood' can be grown easily from seed. Nomadic tribes and traders must have carried it north from Mexico. Thomas Jefferson ordered this variety in 1807 from Thomas Main, a Washington nurseryman, who described it as "very large and excellent." The fruit, entirely splashed and mottled with scarlet, tiger-like stripes, is sometimes twelve inches round. The skin resembles a beet: scarlet, tough, stringy, meaty, although pleasantly flavored and brisk.
Text adapted from Fruit and Fruit Trees of Monticello by Peter J. Hatch.

Visit Monticello’s Online Shop to check for seeds or plants of Indian Blood Cling Peach.

Typical Blooming Dates: March–April
Blossom Color(s): Pink
Fruit Color(s): Scarlet, tiger-striped skin. Scarlet flesh.
Location at Monticello: South Orchard


In Bloom at Monticello is made possible by support from The Richard D. and Carolyn W. Jacques Foundation.

"We Abound in the Luxury of the Peach"

Just as the role of the apple reflected the diversity and melting-pot culture of early American life, so was the peach an early image for the bounty and luxury of the New World's natural productions.