Open Today &ndashp; 8:30AM - 5:00PM

Growth Type Perennial
Hardiness Zones 7-10
Planting Conditions Full to Partial Sun
TJ Documented Plant Yes

In July of 1767 Jefferson observed the blooms of his Four O'clocks: "Mirabilis just opened, very clever." In 1811 he noted the planting of seeds sent by André Thouin of the Parisian Jardin des Plantes in an oval flower bed at Monticello. Four O'clocks are cherished for the simple miracle of the flowers, which only open during low light periods. Although now somewhat fallen from favor, these annuals, which grow to two or three feet, create a stunning effect in the evening, and on cloudy days when planted in large groupings. 

Visit Monticello’s Online Shop to check for seeds or plants of Four O'Clock.
Typical Blooming Dates: July - October
Color(s): red, purple, white, yellow
Location at Monticello: West Lawn

In Bloom at Monticello is made possible by support from The Richard D. and Carolyn W. Jacques Foundation.