Open Today &ndashp; 8:30AM - 5:30PM

Growth Type Woody Shrub
Hardiness Zones 6-9
Planting Conditions Full Sun
TJ Documented Plant Yes

In his Weather Memorandum Book, Jefferson noted the planting of nine rows of "Vitex Agnus castus. Chaste-trees" on April 11, 1807. Two examples of the Chaste Tree now grow at Monticello—one on the northeast side of the house and one on the West Lawn next to the South Pavilion—and are much commented upon by visitors when in bloom.

Visit Monticello’s Online Shop to check for seeds or plants of Chaste Tree.

Typical Blooming Dates: July into September
Color(s): Purple
Location at Monticello: East and West Lawn

In Bloom at Monticello is made possible by support from The Richard D. and Carolyn W. Jacques Foundation.