Jefferson was an accomplished amateur violinist who once declared that music is "the passion of my soul." His sons with Sally Hemings were all known to have also been an accomplished fiddler. After leaving Charlottesville, Jefferson's youngest son, Eston moved to Chillicothe, OH, where he led a very successful dance band. He was remembered as "a master of the violin, and an accomplished 'caller' of dances." 

(Money Musk performed by Pete Vigour.)

Sheet music with Money Musk written out in Thomas Jefferson's hand

"there was only one thing to do, and that was - dance"—Angus Waddle describes the music of Eston Hemings's band

"I wonder if the music is as good now as it used to be? I was at the great Charity Ball - as a looker on - given in this city a few weeks ago, where the music was furnished by the celebrated Barracks Band, but somehow or other it didn’t affect me at all like Heming’s used to at the balls we are speaking of. When he with his violin, Graham Bell with his clarionet and Wambaw with the bass viol cut loose, there was only one thing to do, and that was - dance. When they struck up ‘Money Musk’, or ‘Wesson’s Slaughter House,’ he was a chump indeed who could sit by and look on without clinching onto a pretty girl and joining the merry throng."

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