Happening at Monticello

  • Livestream: Thomas Jefferson's Second Term as President

    1:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.

    Join us for a live Q&A with Bill Barker as Thomas Jefferson. We will discuss a range of topics related to Jefferson's second term as the nation's Third President, including his motivations for running for re-election, his accomplishments during his first term, and his opinions on the political climate of the time.

  • Highlights Tour

    All Day

    This 45-minute guided experience includes first floor spaces in Thomas Jefferson’s home, the West Lawn, and the South Wing. You’ll learn about Jefferson and his vision for America, the realities of slavery on the Monticello plantation, and the mountaintop’s iconic architecture. This popular pass includes access to our gardens, grounds, walking tours, family-friendly activities, and exhibits.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Tours

    All Day

    Have you always wanted to go upstairs at Monticello? This exclusive pass takes you behind the scenes: through the first floor of Monticello and up the narrow staircase to explore the private quarters on the second and third floors, including the iconic Dome Room.

  • Exhibition - The Declaration of Independence

    Robert H. and Clarice Smith Gallery at the David M. Rubenstein Visitor Center
    All Day

    Visit our newest exhibition and learn more about the document that started it all. See a rare engraving of the Declaration of Independence, test your knowledge about America's history, and learn more about the impact of the Declaration around the world.