Happening at Monticello

  • Livestream - Monticello Teacher Institute

    1:00 p.m. to 1:40 p.m.

    Join us on Tuesday, August 2, at 1:00 p.m. ET for a live Q&A with Monticello staff and several educators who participated in the Monticello Teacher Institute this year. They’ll discuss their week at Monticello, what they learned, and the resources they created.

  • Highlights Tour

    All Day

    This 45-minute guided experience includes first floor spaces in Thomas Jefferson’s home, the West Lawn, and the South Wing. You’ll learn about Jefferson and his vision for America, the realities of slavery on the Monticello plantation, and the mountaintop’s iconic architecture. This popular pass includes access to our gardens, grounds, walking tours, family-friendly activities, and exhibits.