Happening at Monticello

  • Virtual Fellows Forum - The American Revolution and the Ancient World

    4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Join us Thursday, July 28, at 4 p.m. ET for a virtual Fellow’s Forum with Jean-Baptiste Goyard, professeur agrégé (associate professor) in English at Versailles University and a PhD candidate in American history at Paris 8 University, France. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses suggest that American colonists referred to antiquity in order to legitimize the creation of a de jure republican confederation in the mid-1770s in the antimonarchical sense of the term, to express patriotic optimism until the turn of 1780s, to debate on the suitability of an extended federal republic and to express exceptionalism during the debate on the Constitution.

  • Highlights Tour

    All Day

    This 45-minute guided experience includes first floor spaces in Thomas Jefferson’s home, the West Lawn, and the South Wing. You’ll learn about Jefferson and his vision for America, the realities of slavery on the Monticello plantation, and the mountaintop’s iconic architecture. This popular pass includes access to our gardens, grounds, walking tours, family-friendly activities, and exhibits.