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The 2008 issue of Furniture History: The Journal of the Furniture History Society is All John Soane All the Time, with “A Catalogue of the Furniture in Sir John Soane’s Museum,” as well as several articles on John Soane and his furniture. Who's John Soane, you say, and what's he got to do with Thomas Jefferson?  And I say: well, architecture, neoclassicism...something like that.  All I know is, Curatorial wants me to buy lots of books on John Soane, and I do whatever they tell me.*

Anyway, here's a panoramic video of Soane's house/museum in London, which should give you the general idea... Oh, and here's a thought to ponder: Thomas Jefferson's great-grandmother was Judith Soane (1646-1703).  Maybe TJ and John Soane were related...

*Except when I don't.