The ICJS fellowship program for domestic and international scholars promotes research of Jefferson’s life and times and the community at Monticello. Since its founding, the ICJS has hosted over 500 domestic and international scholars from the U.S. and 32 countries around the world, including Pulitzer-Prize winning historians Alan Taylor and Jack Rakove. The Center offers short-term fellowships that allow researchers and teachers to consult with Monticello scholars and librarians and to utilize the resources of the Jefferson Library and the University of Virginia libraries as well as the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery, and the Getting Word African American Oral History Project.
Interested in applying for a fellowship at the International Center for Jefferson Studies? Check back in summer 2025 for more information.
Current Fellowship Programs
Short-term Fellowships
Short-term fellowships for Jefferson-related projects: Batten and First Union Domestic and Peter Nicolaisen International Fellowships
DAACS Fellowships
Short-Term Fellowships for projects related to the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS).
Curatorial Fellowships
Short-term fellowships for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral scholars whose work uses the permanent collection and archival resources available at Monticello to focus on the material culture and fine arts of Jeffersonian America as well as the European sources that inspired Jefferson.
Fellowships for Historical Interpreters
These fellowships are awarded for one month and are open to Historical Interpreters working at historic sites in Virginia. Successful applicants should demonstrate how time at the ICJS would help deepen their understanding of Thomas Jefferson and his world, defined broadly, as well as positively influence their historical interpretation and tours moving forward.
Fritz and Claudine Kundrun Open-Rank Fellowship
A nine-month fellowship for scholars working on Jefferson projects. See a list of previous Kundrun Fellows and their projects.

Fellow's Forums
At the end of their fellowships, our short-term fellow present on their current research project. Click here for recordings of our Fellow's Forums!
A list of recent ICJS and Barringer Fellows is available.
Short-term fellowships are underwritten by endowments established for this purpose by the Batten Foundation and Wachovia Corporation (formerly First Union National Bank of Virginia).