These projects are underway at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, and they represent the most up to date scholarship available. In all cases these projects are on-going, and both the data and its public presentation are subject to expansion and enhancement over time.  Please stay tuned!  More detailed information about each project is available upon request.

Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS)  
A database that contains a wide array of information from multiple archaeological sites where enslaved Africans and their descendants once lived and worked.  DAACS also provides background information on documentary evidence and previous archaeological fieldwork and interpretation for each site.

Jefferson Quotes and Family Letters Database
Search or browse transcriptions of Jefferson family letters; Jefferson quotations; and documents relating to the death of Jefferson, early life at the University of Virginia, and the Jefferson family during the Civil War. 

Getting Word African American Oral History Project
The website of Getting Word, which collects the stories of Monticello's enslaved African-American community and their descendants.  Find information on slavery at Monticello as well as individuals' lives.

Monticello Enslaved Community Database
A repository of data on all known enslaved individuals at Thomas Jefferson's plantations. 

In Bloom at Monticello
Find images and information for plants in bloom at a given time of year at Monticello.

Online Publications

Monticello Archaeology Reports
Presentations including technical data and interpretive text on many aspects of the scientific exploration of Monticello Plantation.

Monticello Magazine (formerly the Monticello Newsletter)
Monticello's semi-annual newsletter contains news about Foundation events as well as scholarly articles.  Issues from Winter 2000 through the present are available to download as PDF files.

Articles from this annual publication (1992-2010) of the Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants are available online (as PDF and webpages) and cover many aspects of Jefferson's interests in botany and agronomy.

Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series - Cumulative Index
An up-to-date online collated index for all volumes as they are published.  The PTJ:RS are edited by Monticello staff, and as of August 2008 cover March 1809 through April 1812.

Podcasts and Streaming Media
Experience and download selected lectures and interviews on a wide variety of topics related to Jefferson and Monticello delivered by scholarly experts.

Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia
An online compendium of the Foundation's accumulated research on Jefferson and his world.  Answers many frequently-asked questions.

Thomas Jefferson Portal
The Jefferson Library's online catalog.  Find books, articles, research reports, audiovisuals, and web/digital resources; includes records for items held in libraries worldwide.

Thomas Jefferson's Libraries
A compendium of the titles known to have been owned by Jefferson at all periods of his life, including information about where and when he acquired them and his opinions of authors' works.